Federal Aviation Administration Certified Repair Station No.BP6R516N EASA 5100.
Better Aviation Products, Inc. was formed in 1994 after its founders discovered that their services were becoming ever increasingly needed in the Aviation marketplace. As an F.A.A. Certified Repair Station we then continued to grow our capabilities. We also received our J.A.A. Approval which is now EASA 5100. Later we became approved for Major Airlines as an Approved Vendor in their Quality Program. We have just been audited to the Airline Standards.
We continue to expand our services and now provide NDT evaluations with an on site Level III Technician in both Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant inspections. We look forward to the future, and to becoming a vendor for you as well.
Avionics, Radar, Generators, Landing and Recognition Lights, Coffee and Beverage Makers, Generator and Bus Control Units, Relays, Valves, Motor Generators, Static Inverters, Ovens, Actuators, Temperature and PneumaticSystem Controllers, TD Amplifiers, Headsets, Battery Chargers are just some of the items we overhaul and repair.
Better AviationProducts, Inc.
Barnes, Joe
Toll Free: 1-866-345-6416
Phone: 954-752-8536
Fax: 954-752-8538
Email: jbarnes@Betteraviation.com
Address: 3695 NW 124th Avenue
Coral Springs, Fl